Sunday, November 18, 2012

Good Bye Fashion Designer Francisco Azucar

Last night, a friend of mine called to tell me the sad news of a local South Florida designers passing.
Francisco Azucar passed away in Tampa while working his fashion show.

Azucar” as he was better known to his friends and fashion industry professionals, was based out of Miami but he was a regular in the Tampa/St Pete fashion scene coming to Tampa several times a year to participate in fashion shows and events in the area.

Miami born "Azucar" was of Cuban descent and he was a very talented fashion designer, loved and respected in the community. His versatility is what set him apart from other designers.

He was able to create womens and menswear including swimwear and pageant dresses but he was better known for his couture designs.

We did not know Francisco personally, we knew of him, he knew of us as well;  we've seen his beautiful creations and also bumped into him from time to time in downtown Miami with a client at the fabric stores. I actually went to one of his fashion shows in a club some years ago.

As a fellow designer and human being, we must pay our respects and for his family, Our Condolences. I know he will be missed by his friends and colleagues. Go with God/Vaya con Dios Francisco Azucar.

Viktor Franovik
Editor in Chief
Models&Designers Magazine



Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The last FRANOVIK show of the year

So last Sunday Franovik Designs did their last show of 2012. We were included at LS1426 Inc fashion week. The show was held at the Marriott Biscayne Bay in Miami from 6 to 9 under Linda Scott Productions.

This show was very special; the fashion show was for plus size models. Franovik got the chance to participate and produce a few pieces using plus size models. It was quite the experience, as fashion designers we tend to go with the norm, smaller sizes, taller, stick figure models but the reality is we dress women, all sizes, races, colors, etc.
All we want is for people to see our creations, not only on a mannequin in a store but on a real body.

It was a beautiful day; we walked in and immediately felt the love. We were the only Couture designers from Florida. Miss Linda had models for us and proceeded to a conference room for us to fit the ladies.
We had 18 pieces, fit the ladies, and decided to go with 12 pieces. I, as usual, brought my entourage of assistants, including the fabulous Kathy Nunez from Face Future, CEO of KN Cosmetics, to do all the makeup, 13 girls to be exact. Needless to say, the makeup was flawless.

I don't know how Kathy does it but the lips were amazing, the highlight of my evening. She makes those lips look like vinyl-latex, smooth and wet. I mean, I wanted her to do my lips, MUAH!!!
While the ladies were getting their faces done, I got a chance to meet the other designers (hey Miss Suzette), models, sponsors, photographers, media and the DJ....Very important for me because I needed to discuss start, breaks and where I wanted to cue the music.

My photographer arrived; Don Seidman, so we looked at the place and went ahead to discuss the evening agenda and what kind of pictures I was looking for. Don met the models and spoke to them on what he needed from them. Take your time, he says, it's not a rat race, it's your time to shine.
Sometime went by and Steve, Marnie and Julio from Amplification Inc, (newly acquired marketing company for Franovik) show up to interview us, Kathy and the models. I was interviewed first while we did a run through with the models.

I really need to get a grip while being interviewed; Jeez, I really let go, it's funny, somewhat flaming, (LMAO). Then Francisco is interviewed and he's the complete opposite, he gets nervous and forgets his words and goes west with his thoughts!!
So show time is approaching, the show is late, almost 2 hours late. Show starts and we are the first to present; you know I'm going to open up with a bang, I want to set the tone, I want every other designer to go after us, to catch us, to top us.....

I spoke to all the ladies before, I wanted them to celebrate their womanhood, go out there and be fabulous, show everyone model realness and have fun with it. Well, the ladies did not listen to their designer and went with uptight modeling instead of having fun and it shows in the pictures.
I don't understand, they were getting pictures as well, wouldn't you go for awesome pics, instead of uptight, no smiles, flat pictures. Bummer!!

OMG, before I forget, we had our very first Asian Model (Vivian) and Plus Size Model (Jennifer). So Vivian is Korean and was leaving to Korea the following morning. Jennifer is local (South Florida) and wants to be a fashion designer too, she showed me some of her drawing, very cute, there's potential there.
All in all, we had a very nice time; the crowd was very enthusiastic and proper. Linda was in control but very cool, nothing fazed her, it was her way and you had to do it her way, she ruled!!    

I look forward to next year with Miss Linda at another venue; lets' not get into that....Anyway, as I said before, our last show of the year. We will take a well deserved break, vacations from fashion, although I will be writing, photoshoping, creating the new catalog, and gearing up for 2013.

Talk to you soon....Kisses,

Viktor Franovik

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises-(Blog and my Review)

How can I start besides saying it took me a few weeks to see this movie, one of my favorite if not my favorite superhero, BATMAN.

The opening scene was amazing, NO, FREAKING AMAZING (and that's not the word I want to use) the plane scene- something from a bond movie, it was EPIC (and I am going to be using this word a lot) because  it was EPIC!

It was action packed although Batman made a 45 minute appearance throughout the movie. Dark Knight rises was emotional, a rollercoaster ride, so much I really have to see this movie twice. The first time for the WOW-exciting  factor and the second time to understand all of the story lines happening at the same time.

You have Batman- Bruce Wayne, Bane, Selina Kyle, Commissioner Gordon, Alfred, Luscious Fox, Agent Blake, Cameo Villains, Characters and even Gotham City.
Bruce Wayne, played by Christian Bale was  lost and distant battles with himself, an emotional Wayne was amazing, I felt his pain throughout the Movie, and he got beat up tons more than other movies, I was very surprised-how can they beat up my honey.

 Bain was bad to the core, although in my opinion he had a great concept but handled it so wrong, Chaos is not the way to go. 
 Selina Kyle/Cat woman-played by the fabulous Anne Hathaway was breathtaking; I have always loved Anne, in this movie, I have a new found LOVE for her craft even more; OMG, She looked stunning, fit, the hair was working, glasses that turns into cat ears-YUMM and she kicked some serious ASS, Oh and her boots with that gold heel were FABULOUS!! Please tell me those boots are in a size 14, PLEASE!!!!!! Love you ANNE..
Commissioner  Gordon, played by one of my favorite actors, Gary Oldman was sick and in bed for the early part of the movie but as usual does not disappoint although his role was not as big as previous movies. Alfred had more face time, it was a good thing to do, the emotions poured by Michael Caine in this movie grabbed me, this man who had dedicated all of his life to Master Wayne and then has to choose between life or death and then Bruce just lets him go was cruel.

Mr. Fox-Morgan Freeman-another one of my favorite actors was also stellar. I would love to meet him, he should have been our first African American President! Agent Blake-Joseph Gordon-Levitt, not a new face to movies, was very convincing, as soon as I saw him talk to Bruce Wayne, and how he spoke I figured out he was going to be involved in some way, (Robin) but deduced he was not but can you say Nightwing!! hmmmmm.....
Gotham City (New York), why does everyone want to destroy my city? No really, my City, I'm a New Yorker, well Brooklyn boy but still a New Yorker! It was rough to see all the city and bridges, places I used to hang at; reminded me of 911-WHY?????? Oh, we got to see the progress of the Freedom Tower, can't wait to for the grand opening. I think I will be there for that event.   

On another note, Batman's toys did not disappoint either, the BAT was crazy. And folks don't see this movie in a regular movie theatre, see it at IMAX. You have to get the full EPIC of this movie, seeing this on a five story screen, and the sound, hearing and feeling this Soundtrack; C'mon it's an injustice to the senses.  The visuals superb, I wanted to dive in. Can you guys feel, I'm loving this movie. I want to see it again and see in IMAX again.
The fight and chase scenes were monumental, it kept me on the edge of my seat.  The end was just as incredible, it took me by surprise, I completely lost it; It was hard for me to swallow, tears flowing for my eyes, I was holding back from hyper ventilating. Can you tell I'm a fan?

When it ended I could not get out of my seat, I had to compose myself before I walked out. It grabbed me in a different way, I think, for me this movie was emotional for me.
I am really going to miss Director Christopher Nolan, his point of view in this trilogy well what can I say besides Oscar winning. I hope his next project is Nightwing (hint, Hint)...

For those that have not seen this movie, GO SEE IT!!!!  
Viktor Franovik

Friday, July 13, 2012

Franovik's Green Couture for the Women of the Roundtable

The evening started at 1:30pm for us, It was raining so we had to park in front to take everything down; understand the designers need to get there earlier because we have clothes to take down, pull out of bags and set up for the models once they arrive.

So we got to the Signature Grand, and Miss Terri welcomed us with a great BIG Smile, as she normally does to everyone visiting The Grand.
We were told where to go and as we are heading there, Miss Polly Wilkie-President of the Prestige Club, walks in with three of our models, hugs and kisses are usually the welcome between models and designers.

As we start to move, I see another model, key model actually, It's Aubrey and her mother Diane; I drop my stuff and run over to them, almost running into the glass door.... can you imagine, "Blooper" running into the door.
I love these women and they also drove down from Naples so extra attention is taken to my peeps!!! As we walk in, we are instructed that we have the suite with three (3) rooms and a bigger smile is put on my face.

We get to the suite and I start assigning areas; one was for hair, another for makeup and the other for changing, and we still have the welcoming area.  

I walk out and see Linda, our service manager. Linda wants to make sure everything is okay , I needed stools which we got super fast and then agreed to what time food was going to be served.

Food was amazing, we had all kinds of wraps, fruits, cheeses and drinks. So the girls, parents, hair designers, make up designers and Francisco pigged out. I on the other hand, could not partake cause I was running around, but I managed to taste three(3) grapes.

The photographers started arriving, Beatriz Stilwell was the first. She is one of the photographers I use at photo shoots. She invited a few others in her photography group. Second to arrive was the official event Photographer, Suzanne Barton, she photographed everything and everyone; what a classy lady. The other photographers came in, among them Phoenix and Michael Wright, a few others which I did not catch their names.  Then Univision, NBC and Tropix TV.

We were interviewed the fabulous Andrea Chediak from Univision in Spanish and Nick from Tropix in English.

NO events goes without a hitch, and there were a few;  lighting was one, sound was another and visual was the other. It all got taken care of, so no further complaints.

 I will tell you the runway was spectacular, it was exactly what I wanted.  I was going in and out of the ballroom, my sponsors coming in. The first to show her pretty face was Kathy Nunez, CEO & Make Up Artist of Face Future-KN Cosmetics came in first to set up.

Kathy had to work fast because she was in charge of three other MUA's and we were using her products, so it was up to her Mom (Diana) and Son (Sean) to take care of the sponsor table. They look very cute behind the table...Then it was Yenny Machado, Owner and President of Yenny Fashions jewelry.

Yenny had so much stuff she could have filled 3 additional tables, WOW, great stuff. Following Yenny was Latoya Edwards, President and distributor of OrganoGold coffee. The coffee was wonderful;  you know South Floridians and coffee-it's a love affair that expands decades, if not centuries, so she was a big hit.

Following Latoya came Celinda, owner of Linda's Fashion Shoes. Linda Fashion Shoes provided shoes for all the girls, they brought 120 pairs of shoes-all linked to the colors of our dresses. They had the end table and as I understand, they all had some sales, nothing to brag about but something, something.

As the night progressed, we were interviewed by Univision, NBC, Sun Sentinel, Tropix TV, Lifestyles Publications, Ciudad Weston Newspaper, Natural Awakenings, Latin Connection, among others.

The Suite also became photo and interview heaven; Media came in, all the girls were there along with hair, Ola Wilkerson-CEO of Illusion's Hair Boutique, Schacle Powell  and Beatric Jean.  Makeup, Kathy Nunez-CEO of Face Future-KN Cosmetics, Evy Maquillaje, Kristine Kelly and staff makeup artists.

We are pulled away again to the ballroom, where I meet up with Miss Kandee G, MC of the event to go over the fashion show, garment description and how we were going to start the program.

I opened the show and introduced Kandee G, after she taking the walk down the runway, since we made her dress as well. So the fashion show begins, 20 girls strutting their stuff to DIVA. It's an upbeat song that talks about DIVAS, just the right song for my models, ALL DIVAS (Jana, Aubrey, Lauren, Karen, Lydia, Nina, Paige, Kiara, Christine, Andrea, Gaby, Fernanda, Giselle, Karen P, Karina, Marina, Meily, Taylor, Arianna, and Cindy) not in that order.  Lauren opened the show and Jana closed the show.

So the show was over, it took 16 minutes start to finish. I ended the show with remarks and thank you's; I'm sure I forgot so many people. I tried to remember as much as I could but I was really tired. I asked Kathy, Ola, and Shay to come up to be acknowledged and made them walk the runway too.

I went back to suite, to put all the dresses in bags and try to see all my models before they left. Most of them were gone, the few that stayed had parents and they picked up as well.

We were quite hungry and went to eat something and drove Yenny, jewelry designer home to Miami Beach. The day turned into 12 hours, we got to the Signature Grand at 1:30pm and got home the following day at 1:30am.

I'm very happy everything turned out ok, now it's waiting for pictures from the photographers.  I can't wait, trust I'm dying here, you see I'm spoiled;  I work with many photographers but there are two (2) photographers (Don Seidman and Simon Soong) that give me pictures disc's as we leave the event.   

Anyway, I will only have to wait a few more hours, Suzanne Barton is preparing a picture disc which I will pick up tomorrow. Christopher, my production Director did happen to take a few pictures and they are the ones you are seeing here.....
You see someone is always looking out...Thank you to everyone that took part in some shape or form. I wanted to mention a few others: NUVO Sparkling Vodka, Ethereal Management, Hip Chick, Keel Magazine, Ginette Bover, Latin Connection Magazine, Beatriz Stilwell, Carmen Goodman, among others.  

A special thanks to Polly WIlkie of the Prestige Club and the Doris Muscarella, President and event planner of the Women of the Roundtable.

Viktor Franovik

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Franovik does it again for Elements of Green, our fashion show division. The Women of the Roundtable, a 501c3 company directed by Doris Muscarella, fundraises for a great cause; Women of the Rountable and Franovik Designs unite forces to raise funds for the Prestige Club.

Join us at the Signature Grand in Davie on July 12. Sponsorship opportunities available.

Thank you,

Viktor Franovik

Monday, April 2, 2012


March 31 - April 1, 2012: Lummus Park, SouthBeach hosted the 2012 LUDUS Athletics ModelBeachVolleyball Tournament.
This was my first time going but this event is done every year, (I believe in different cities but I could be wrong) featuring the top modeling agencies in Miami to benefit a national or international charity.

This year it was "models4water",, Drink. Live.Thrive.

The organization was founded by Heide Lindgren and Georgie Badiel for the purpose of providing clean water to developing countries, starting with Burkina Faso, Georgie's homeland.

Through partnerships with fellow fashion models, the organization aims to increase international awareness and raise funds surrounding the most basic human need and right: Clean Water.

This is a cause Franovik Designs and Models&Designers Magazine would like to be part of.

We had the honor to be part of this very important tournament.

We have worked with models that played in the tournament. We kept to the sidelines cheering for all the agencies; the top two that went to the finals were Elite Model Management and Runways Talent Group.

The weather was amazing, typical South Florida weather, sunny and a soft beach breeze. The aroma of sun tan lotion all over the place, you had to be there.

Sponsors of the event were there to cheer and show their products, from flavored vitamin water to vehicles. The VIP area well stocked with drinks, food and comfortable sitting areas. We had a blast!!

Obviously, the highlight of the day were all the beautiful models, both male and female, fighting for the esteemed trophy. After all was said and done, Runways Talent Group won!!! Congratulations.

We want to thank the event producers for inviting us; we can't wait til next year....who knows the tournament could be a Fashion Designers volleyball tournament (Hint, Hint).

Check out their websites and and make a donation for this great cause.

Stay tuned to my websites for other pictures I took ath the event.

Victor M. Vega
President & Editor in
Models&Designers Magazine

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Is it me or does anyone else see and are upset with drug abuse? We have lost too many of our favorite performers to prescription drugs, alcohol and overdosing! That's a deadly combination. Can we do something about this?

Just recently, we lost Whitney Houston to this ill. The Ultimate Pop Diva!

I, like many others, were waiting for an All Time come back. 2009 was a partial come back and I was counting and praying for a come back album and performance.

I think fondly of those first albums, anthem ballads, dance songs, movie themes and gospel hymns.

What's wrong with people, Jesus, they have everything; the career, the fame, the money, the love from their fans and the WORLD. Is that not enough? Is the pain so bad that they can't get the help they need without taking the easy way out and taking prescription drugs.

Whatever happened to will power and just saying no.

I remember some time ago, when my former husband (the love of my life)  broke up with me, I was devastated and got into a shady lifestyle although it was when I was most Beautiful.

I went to the gym and beach everyday, worked on myself and my tan and got into prostituted myself and heavy into drugs until one day, I looked in the mirror and said STOP.

So I stopped cold turkey and life moved on. I realize everyone is different and take things differently but I had to love myself enough to say I'm worth it. And I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, cause I'm not but I was put on this earth because I have something to say, something to prove, a purpose that has to be fulfilled before I perish.

These performers had things to say, things to prove, their purpose in life which for all other, was to spread joy to the world with their gift of song, dance and film.

I am going to miss Whitney, as I will Amy, Michael and all those that have lost their lives to overdosing on drugs and alcohol.  

Let's toy with this idea, What if physicians took more time to sit down with their patients, in this case, Entertainers and discuss their medical needs instead of writing a prescription. What if your physician wrote you a referral for a physiological evaluation prior too writing a script. What if your physician evaluated your mindset before writing a script. What a concept to care.

I am not blaming the physician at all, it is much fault of the patient too but if we took a little more time to evaluate and had a medical professional (mandatory) like CNA, an LPN or maybe even an RN by their side, they'd still be here.

I'm just saying......
