Thursday, July 4, 2013

Cute kid to beautiful woman

I have been so inspired by the girls I work with, they have gone from cute kids to beautiful women. That's the case with Lauren Goodman.

We met Lauren at the age of 13, when we judged the Miss Earth Florida and Miss Teen Earth Florida pageant.
We were 10 judges from all walks of life; we were photographers, business men and women, makeup artists, stylists, designers and beauty queens from other pageant systems.

The pageant director walked in with her staff to go over the rules and instruct us how to ask the questions and if we deemed necessary to ask more questions to please do so, show no mercy. She wanted her delegates to become prepared women and young women of the world.
The pageant director leaves and the doors open and the first batch of young ladies walk in. Some are quite intimated and others completely care free. Lauren was not in the first group. We started to ask the established questions and trick questions, most failed because of nerves. Some thought they were going to get by on their looks and/or talent.

The second group walk in, these are delegates from the Miss category, immediately I see the winner of the Miss division. This time the established question were more worldly, these were the ladies to drill and talk about their platforms. Again, we knew who won this Miss division.
The third group walks in, the young Miss, and Lauren is in it. Lauren glowed, her smile, her hair, she was poised and ready for this. The other girls were invisible to me, my eyes and most eyes were focused on Lauren. We had questions for all the ladies, most questions were directed to Lauren.

The fourth and last group to walk in, the Miss division. The ladies were okay, no one stood out like the first group of Miss Delegates.
The pageant is about to start, we are moved to a private room and then escorted to our tables; 2 tables of 5, across from each other. Up on stage, we saw several crowns with different stone colors; obviously we knew the crowns with clear stones were the winner crowns. The other colors represented the elements, green for air, blue for water and red for fire.

It was a long pageant, talent was part of the ladies curriculum, and some sang, some recited, some played an instrument and others danced.
Lauren danced and is an accomplished ballet dancer, very beautiful, danced to her own interpretation of Swan Lake.  The winners were called and I was right, the one I predicted won the Miss Earth division and to my amazement Lauren did not win the Miss Teen Earth title; someone who did not make an initial impact won.

Lauren placed with Miss Teen Earth Water and the others placed with the other elements. Meanwhile, Francisco and I fell in love with Lauren and saw a huge potential in her and her future.
We met with her mother Carmen, and also fell in love with Carmen.  We took Lauren under our wing and started doing photo shoots, introduced her to photographers and put her in different looks and styled her differently.

We did not have to do much though, Lauren was a natural. The dance experience also helped her. The poses were massive, strong and crazy beautiful. Her facial expressions were regal and demanding.
Lauren was our muse, we included Lauren in everything, editorial shoots, and fashion shows. She was in high demand. Carmen, Lauren's mom also business savvy, took the reins of her daughter's career and ran with it. Now Lauren has shot and walked for bigger names; been included in all the big fashion shows of Florida, New York and the world.

Lauren has been signed by agencies; she is in such demand that she has changed from agency to agency.  She has done product commercials, been in Spanish soaps, TV shows, music videos and higher end editorials.

Lauren is quite the model/dancer/actress (triple threat) and I am so proud that we are her godfathers in fashion. We will see wonderful things from Miss Lauren, watch for can also see more pictures of Lauren on our websites, and

Viktor Franovik


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